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Artline design service pvt ltd
Artline design service pvt ltd
Update Time: | 2011-12-24 |
Valid to: | Never Expired |
Detailed Description: | Dear Manager We are a leading advertising company in Maldives , every year we are having many exhibitions and events and we are always looking for products like bags and stuff for these events. Right now for a start we want to order 20,000 numbers of Plastic Die Cut bag . Once one order is produced and we start doing business with you we will start keeping more order. We want to produce white colour High quality shopping bag logo printed with multiple flat colours, we are looking for the high quality plastic die cut bags using in shopping centres. Attached please find a sample design of the bag and below is the quantity and sizes Our initial requirement 1. 32cm(W) x 43cm (H) - 15,000 bags - 2. 38cm(W) x 47cm (H) - 5000 Bags Please let us know if you can produce this or you have similar bags like this and please gives us your best unit price for this order. Please write to me if you need to clear any thing My Name is : Ibrahim Managing Director ARTLINE DESIGN SERVICE PVT LTD Republic of Maldives |
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